Thursday 23 May 2013


Recently there has been a whole lot of bad stuff happening. And it's starting to annoy me.
Let's get one thing straight: We are all human and thus we are all equal. That is how it works. Everyone comes into the world in the same way and goes out in the same way. You start and end as equals. Why should that be any different in the middle? You are born, you live and then you die. And who is anyone to say that you are any less than someone else? You cannot just decide someone's life is worth less because of their race, or gender, or religion or sexual orientation. You are only human. No one has the right to determine the value of another persons life. It doesn't work like that.
Recently, while on Twitter I have seen some disgusting comments towards Muslims. Let me make a few things very clear:
1) Not all Muslims are terrorists.
2) Not all terrorists are Muslim.
3) You cannot say that all Muslims should be kicked out of the country because of a terrorist attack.
Now, while you are entitled to your opinion, I would like to say this: If you read those three points back, but replace the word Muslim with "black", see just how bad that sounds. Islamophobia is the new racism. And, if I recall correctly, racism is something that was horribly wrong and still is. The real question here is: Why do people deem it okay to discriminate towards Muslims? Any thoughts? And yes, there are some Muslim extremists out there. But, the actions of the few do not reflect the thoughts of the many. A lot of the Muslims living in England were born in England and have just as much right to be here as anyone. So, before history starts to repeat itself with Muslims instead of blacks, can we please take a moment to realise that this is ridiculous and needs to stop?