Monday 6 June 2011

About me.

I'm basically just going to write loads of facts about me. No real reason, I just thought that the people who read this might want to know a little about me. This will probably take a while for me to write, because I can never think of anything about myself.
1) I tend to ramble a lot in my blog posts, as you probably already know.
2) I am almost constantly on Twitter and Facebook.
3) I prefer Twitter to Facebook, because it actually gets updated and the people on it are just generally nicer.
4) I am, at the time of writing, doing my GCSEs. And they are a pain in the whatsits.
5) I am bizarrely looking forward to sixth form, even though I think that I will struggle.
6) I am taking biology, chemistry, maths and drama.
7) I am only taking drama because I found out that I do not need physics to go to university, and I also found out that you do not need a GCSE in drama to do it at A-Level. Also, I enjoy drama.
8) I am in a drama club, and I love it.
9) I am not looking forward to when I will have to leave it.
10) I also really enjoy pretty much everything to do with sport. Watching or playing. And I enjoy pretty much every sport. But not golf or curling. Those bore the living daylights out of me.
11) I need to get back into some form of sport, or go to the gym more often.
12) I am a proud fan of Arsenal, Bristol City, Middlesex County Cricket Club, Somerset County Cricket Club and the Green Bay Packers.
13) I get very annoyed with sports. Especially whenever England play some form of sport. And I will shout abuse at the players. A lot.
14) Most of my friends do not enjoy sport. Or most of the things I like for that matter.
15) I do not feel that I really fit in anywhere.
16) I am always looking to improve myself.
17) I am always trying to help people in need, even if I am just someone to talk to.
18) I need to get a proper job soon. A paper round does not cover what I need.
19) I love music.
20) Most of my thoughts do not go in any particular order most of the time. As you can probably tell by the blog post.
21) I am always on the look out for new music. Either from bands I listen to a lot, or bands that I have never heard of.
22) I am interested in fashion.
23) I am not gay for those of you who assumed that from my last fact.
24) I am having to look back through these facts to make sure I do not say something twice.
25) I should probably be revising right now.
26) I have 17 GCSE exams this year. And it is silly. Some people have already finished theirs.
27) I act and dance.
28) I kind of sing, but only in groups really.
29) I want to be able to do solos, but I do not feel that I have the ability or confidence to do so.
30) I am thinking about doing some charity work during the summer. Probably not officially, but I will raise some money for a charity somehow.
31) That charity will probably be Macmillan Cancer Support.
32) I sort of play the guitar. Not very well, but I can play a little.
33) I am trying to form a guitar duo with one of my friends. It is unlikely to keep going, but I would like to have a go at it.
34) I have a non-biological sister, who I love dearly.
35) I won my phone from Pepsi Max. I was very surprised and happy when I found out.
36) I always have my phone with me. It is my music player and contact device.
37) The only time that I am not listening to music is during school hours when I have lessons.
38) I love books.
39) I have not read much recently due to the fact I have been revising and very tired.
40) I actually have two books on the go, but I just have not got time to read them.
41) I am quite jumpy.
42) I am very, very ticklish.
43) I am apparently funny and good-looking.
44) I am not entirely sure about these two things.
45) I feel that I need to do more to look after my body.
46) I once broke my leg. It was not fun. Being on crutches for three months is not fun. Especially when you want to play football and dance.
47) My legs are actually different lengths. My right leg is longer than my left.
48) I am not very flexible.
49) I am interested in photography.
50) Unfortunately, I cannot take good photos to save my life.
51) I have shaky hands.
52) I do not think that I really have a best friend.
53) I am apparently one of the more popular people in my friendship group.
54) I am again not entirely sure about this.
55) I try to get along with people as much as possible.
56) I hate it when people judge me without getting to know me first.
57) I have a big, dopey black lab. I love my dog.
58) I read Esquire magazine. It is pretty interesting.
59) I have tried to get my blog post on Music published in a newspaper.
60) I have not had a reply, so I am guessing that they will not be printing it.
61) I want to be a vet.
62) I like to party.
63) My friends get annoyed at me for not going to their parties when I am somewhere else.
64) I then get annoyed with them for that.
65) I get annoyed far too easily.
66) That is something I do not like about myself. How annoyed I get and how quickly.
67) I am awkward.
68) I am a bit of a nerd. And I am proud of it.
69) I wish I was a little more interesting.
70) I actually giggled slightly at the number of my last fact.
71) I am rather immature.
72) I am a bit of a movie geek.
73) I am a Gleek.
74) I am proud of being a Gleek.
75) I am not considered to be straight by most of the people in my friendship group because of the way I act, or the things I like.
76) I hate it when people say things like that.
77) I hate homophobia.
78) I have strong opinions about most things.
79) I will try to get both sides of a story before deciding what I think about it.
80) I am basically addicted to Pepsi Max.
81) I am a strong atheist.
82) I want to be able to do some form of dramatic gesture to the people that I love.
83) I will do anything for the people I love.
84) I hate racism.
85) I hate sexism.
86) I have a lot of respect for women.
87) I will listen to anyone's problems and try to help in anyway I can.
88) I will probably have a different friendship group in sixth form due to my current friendship group not being very accepting of how I am.
89) I was struggling last year with my GCSEs.
90) I am struggling to think of anything else to put.
91) I do not like to leave things at strange numbers. Such as volume on the radio. It has to be a multiple of either three or five.
92) I tend to be a bit slow when it comes to pretty much everything.
93) My favourite bands right now are You Me At Six, Paramore, Biffy Clyro, 30 Seconds To Mars, The Script, Bon Jovi and Francis Fear.
94) I have only seen Bon Jovi and Francis Fear live.
95) I actually know a member of Francis Fear well.
96) I want to go to more concerts or festivals.
97) I want to do more things which are interesting.
98) I always try my best.
99) Sometimes my best is not good enough.
100) I hate it when I feel that I am not good enough.
101) Most of these facts either lead on in some way from one another, or have no reference to anything said previously.
102) I have pretty much run out of things to say about myself.
103) I will do two more random ones just to make sure that the number is a multiple of three or five.
104) I need to get out more.
105) I cannot smile on demand.
106) I spend too much money.
107) I think that my music taste is quite varied.
108) I mess up everything good that comes into my life.
109) If you do not want to get hurt, I suggest you stay away from me.
110) I am single.

Let me know what you think about me from these facts on Twitter or Facebook. Or comment below. Whatever is easiest for you. Adios.

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