Monday 16 May 2011


I am sort of continuing from my other blog on music. I really did this as a practise for my English GCSE, but it sounded so good, I thought I would share it with you. Enjoy.
There is a trend developing, and that is to just have people singing over a track which does not consist of any form of music, merely computerised drum and bass. And quite often, the singing is not even singing, just talking very quickly, or making your voice go up and down during words. What has happened to the world that I used to love living in? Where have the singers, the guitarists, the drummers and the people with actual talent gone? Why do people feel that someone using auto tune to sound like a robot is someone with singing talent? It makes no sense. People with real talent are being over looked because the consumer thinks that robotronic voices are "cool" and "hip". People who can sing should be celebrated, not thrown onto the rubbish pile with the people who have had their time. It is in fact, the people who steal the limelight from these talented people that deserve to be thrown onto the pile of rejected wannabes. I know many people who are talented, and who get over looked because of these rappers and auto tune using people. If you want to hear real music, and see real performers, then look at the people who do not get recognised. And when these people do get a break, their fan base is not nearly the size it should be. People with talent need to be seen as gifted, because they are. With so many talented people out there, we should have no trouble filling the charts with them, and ousting the people who use auto tune to make money. Talented people are underneath our very noses, all we have to do is wake up and smell the talent that they have. I have some advice for you, go online, see if any smaller, local bands are playing anywhere near you soon, and go along to it. You will then see just how talented people really are, and how they, unfortunately, get overlooked by this throw away culture. This is a throw away culture. The current music that is listened to is not built to last, and raw talent will last forever. It will be listened to for generations. And it will never be forgotten by the people who witnessed the beginning of the group. The current "stars", no one knows where they came from, they just appeared. With proper musical groups, they start of small, and grow and grow until the take over the world. This is what should happen. Not these throw away artists, we want properly talented people, who play proper music. The music that these people create will last forever, and will not blend into the background. As I said earlier, I still listen to older music, not only because it is good, but also because it is time less. As Bob Dylan once said "The times they are a changing", but they should change for the better, and not spiral downward into decay, which is happening with these auto tuned artists. Now, not all of you who read this article will agree with my views on the matter, but I hope that I have convinced at least a small minority of you into listening to proper music, with real people. Thank you for listening.

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