Thursday 12 July 2012

About Me 3

So, I haven't posted anything on here for quite a while. I don't really have an excuse for not doing so. I guess exams took up some time, but other than that, I've done nothing. I'll do another list of stuff about me, because that's easiest.

1)  I have started using Tumblr. And I use it all the time.
2) I haven't seen anyone from school in over a month now.
3) I basically failed my first year at sixth form.
4) I have now changed my subjects from biology, chemistry and maths to drama, media, psychology and English language.
5) My goal in life is now to make it in theatre.
6) I've changed a lot since the last time I wrote a list like this.
7) I am still part of my drama group.
8) I will have to leave after the next show because I will be too old to be part of it anymore.
9) I really don't want to leave.
10) My drama group has been part of my life for 8 years now.
11) I genuinely love it there.
12) I feel like the people from sixth form don't like me, but I don't really care anymore.
13) I jump to conclusions.
14) There is a constant stream of rubbish in my brain.
15) I would like to design T-Shirts or something like that.
16) I am still not gay.
17) I would like to say that I've become a better person, but I don't think that I've improved that much.
18) I am still working on becoming a better person.
19) I still dance, sing and act.
20) Still not capable of doing solos.
21) But I think I am getting better at it.
22) I have spent the last month of my life watching friends.
23) I haven't been out that much at all.
24) I basically only drink Pepsi.
25) I have started going to the gym in an attempt to get fit.
26) I get embarrassed easily.
27) I am still writing lyrics that will never have music to them.
28) I want to be more creative.
29) I can't draw.
30) I over think everything.
31) I really want a tattoo.
32) I'm not interesting.
33) People think I'm worth talking to. I'm not.
34) People think I'm good looking. I'm not.
35) I get offended easily.
36) I believe in God.
37) I get distracted easily.
38) I get sad easily.
39) My head is a messed up space.
40) I only ever write sad songs because every time I try to write a happy one, it's just cringey and I want to throw up.
41) I have a job at Domino's Pizza.
42) I don't spend much money because if I start I won't stop.
43) I always listen to music.
44) I dislike most people.
45) I prefer my girlfriend's friends to my own.
46) I don't ever have much to say.
47) The 6th/7th of every month is my favourite day of the month.
48) I will try and update this more often.
49) This will probably not happen.
50) I love my girlfriend.

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