Sunday 19 December 2010


There are a lot of different frienships. The one where you've know each other for your whole lives, the one where you've know each other for what feels like your whole lives, the one you don't know how started, the one you don't know how you can even be friends, with so much difference between each other, the one where you know each other, get on, but never properly talk, the one where you don't get to see each other often enough, the one where you are never apart, the random ones that form in one night, and last forever, the ones that form one night, and you never see each other again, even though you said you would. These are but a few examples of friendships. What I'm trying to say is that friendship is just one of those things that we don't really have control over, because, as much as we like to think otherwise, if we get on with someone, and they get one if us, we are friends. They might be the most unliked person in the world, but you can't help that, because you get on, so you are friends. You can try to be friends with some people, and it never works out, because you are just too different, or you have opinions that don't suit the other persons views about things. But whatever the real reason behind your friendship with one person, and your lack of friendship between another person, as long as you are happy being friends with that person, then the friendship will last, if not, then it won't. If you feel you need to change how you are to be friends with someone, then the friendship just won't work quite simply. You should feel happy to be with your friends, even if you haven't seen them in years, which is a problem I have with a few of my friends unfortunatly. There are of course the friends to whom you can tell anything, and be safe in the knowledge that they will not talk to anyone else about it, unless you bring up the subject first. Quite often these people are your best friends, and you might not even realise it. It's not until you stop and think about it, that you realise who your real, true and best friends are. If you have to think to hard about it, you haven't got a proper person who falls into the categories. In which case, get off your computer, and go and see the people you know, and geton with, and, hopefully, soon you will find the person that falls into the categories.

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