Wednesday 29 December 2010

Influential People

There are a lot of different types of influential people in the world, ranging from musicans and actors/actresses, to directors and musical producers, to political leaders and news company owners. For instance, I read recently in GQ that the number 1 most influential man in the world this year, and possibly for next year, judging by what they say, is non other than George Osborne, the "new iron chancellor" as they called him. He is apparently more influential than the PM himself, who came in at a poor number 2. These are the men who are leading our "great" country forwards, out of the current economic crisis, and on to a better place for Great Britian. *cough*. Sorry, my personal trust in politics and the banks of England has dropped by a considerable amount. But anyway, these are the two most influential men in the world, but too me, I don't find there to be much difference in my life, other than the prices of things changing, but that is it really. To me personally, the people who influence my life properly are musicans, actors/actresses, teachers (yes, they do actually make a difference), my family and my friends. I think that musicians influence me because they write songs that i enjoy listening to, and so henceforth, buy the songs, either through downloading, or by buy the actual CD copy. Actors and actresses entertain me, with good acting, singing, dancing or whatever. I then go to the cinema to see the films that they are in. Sometimes more than once. Teachers, who actually teach me things, not the stupid supply teachers, who, lets face it, have no control over the students, and so teach us nothing. The teachers who can teach have made me realise that I have to work for what I want, and so have to pay attention in lessons, though not RE, because it is the most pointlessly usless subject possible. And IT. I know how to work a dam computer. Anyway, I rambled abit there. So, the useful subjects, I pay attention in, because, as I found out a while ago, when applying to a university, they look back at your GCSE results, not only your A-levels. I found this rather worrying. Anyway, there is another thing that influences me. University, and what I want to do there, and afterwards. My family, purely because they are my family, and I do love them, no matter how much they get on my nerves. They encourage me to try new things, and try, I stress try, to help me in life. They take me to places that I want to go to. Not always, but most of the time. Or they give me money to help me get to that place. Etc. And, of course, last but not least, my friends, whom I would be very lost without. In fact, one of them, Charley Wilkinson, made me write this blog, about herself. There you go Charley, you got a mention. As you can tell, Charley is a good friend of mine, and my friends do influence me a lot. They recomend music to me, they suggest things to watch, they give me advice on what to do in certain situations. I try to listen to their advice and act upon it. It doesn't always happen, but that's just life. I also try to do things with my friends that we don't do often, such as meet up, and just go into town. Or go to concerts. Or just meet up outside of where we usually meet, and talk complete rubbish, as teenagers do. For instance, I had already seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but my girlfriend had not, so we went together, and saw it. Most of the time I wouldn't go and see a film again, unless I needed too to understand it properly, rather like Inception. That film is confusing. But I ramble again. Like I said, I wouldn't see a film twice in a cinema, but because of my girlfriend, I did. And that is a way I was influenced. But in a good way. Not a bad way, like falling in with the wrong crowd can make you want to take drugs, or smoke or do stupid things like that. A good way because we had a nice time, and nothing went wrong. And again I ramble. But anyway, everybody is influenced in different ways by different people. Sometimes in bad ways, sometimes in good ways, sometimes you influence people.

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