Saturday 19 February 2011

Lengths of time spent on things

In life, you spend a lot of time doing things you don't enjoy. In my case: homework and chores. It takes away time from me that I could be spending doing things I enjoy. Things like sports, my drama club, relaxing at home and hanging around with my friends. Although I do make time to do these things, I don't have as much time as I would like. Unfortunately, homework is something that has to be done, otherwise bad things happen. Such as detention, which takes even more time away from me being able to talk to my friends. And if I don't do my chores, I end up getting grounded, so I can't see my friends, which means that I spend time on my homework, and other relatively boring tasks along those lines, which doesn't half put me in a bad mood. Which means that I am even less likely to do what I should. So I get grounded again, or get detention. Which takes away even more time from me being able to do the things I like. It is really just a cruel circle if I'm honest.
Of course, there are the things that I do enjoy doing, such as hanging out with friends, sports, my drama club and relaxing at home. I have to admit that I am a bit of a Facebook and Twitter addict. I have them both open on different tabs even as I am writing this. I spend a lot of my free time on the computer, talking to people, seeing what is going on in the world of my friends.In fact, that is probably half the reason I don't do my homework and chores. Too much of Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps I should stop. But I don't think that it is going to happen, due to me needing to know what is going on around the world. I also spend a lot of time texting, which can become rather expensive. Just as well Tesco do the thing with tripling your credit when you top up ten, fifteen or twenty pounds, and for free. It is very, very useful for me, because I wouldn't make it though without that deal. Due to my need to talk to people and socialise, I end up spending a lot of money on that. I have gone of subject a bit there. Back to what I was talking about. I also spend a lot of time listening to music. I don't think that I would survive a day without listening to some form of music. It is in my blood. And after seven years of my drama club, at which I sing, dance and act, I feel the need to move to the music, or sing along, or both sometimes, depending on the song. I do really enjoy going to my drama club. It has made me who I am today. I know that sounds rather cliche, but it is the truth. Before going there, I was a shy, closed-off little boy, but now, I am a confident and open dude. Yes, dude. I couldn't think of a better word. But I wouldn't be writing this blog if it weren't for that drama group. I owe them all so much. So I would like to say thank you to them now, even though they probably will never read this, but it makes me feel better. I also enjoy going there because I have so many good friends there, and I have spent seven years worth of Saturday afternoons with. For three hours at a time. I think that is a grand total of nine hundred and forty five hours, give or take a few hours. Wow, that is a long time....
So, I went a little off track, and took a little trip down memory lane then, and I actually got a little emotional, because of all the good times I have had there. All those times that you don't think you'll ever remember when you are in the moment, but looking back, you really do. All those times spent sat around talking, singing, dancing, acting and just being children, and then growing to become teenagers together. Wow, I am getting really emotional now, because I am probably going to have to leave soon, and a lot of my good friends are going to be leaving. I actually have a tear in my eye. But in a good way, I guess.
I'm going to stop that there, before I start crying everywhere. So, back to my chosen subject, which I shall continue with on the subject of sports. I love my sports, I find that it is a good release of everything that you've had to keep inside. It is a way of letting yourself go, even if it is only for an hour in PE. For instance, football. I am a fanatic, I play it at every opportunity I get. It is a way of releasing the pent up energy that you cannot release any other way. What I am saying is, don't just do things because you have to, do them because you enjoy them, and don't live your life thinking "what if?" Live your life without regrets, get up, and go at them.

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