Friday 10 June 2011

Things that are cool, and that are not.

This is a blog about things that people consider to be cool, and things that people consider not too be cool. This is not always what I think is cool, but what some people may consider cool.

"Cool" things:
Music. Sometimes what I consider "proper" music, with people actually playing it. Sometimes drum and bass and computerised music. I will not go back into that. I have already done a whole blog about it. If you haven't read it already, just look through my previous posts.
Clothes. Again, it really is a matter of opinion as to what style of clothing is cool. Maybe I will do a blog about that some time. Keep watching.
Holidays. Time to mess around with people, time to do nothing, time to do something, time to go places, time to do pretty much whatever you want to do.
People. Famous, not famous, nice, good looking, funny etc. Again, it is a matter of opinion as too who is cool.
Social networking sites. Twitter in my opinion is best, and most of the people who will read this will probably agree with me.
Television. Yet again, it is just a matter of opinion as to what kind of television is cool.
Sport. In my opinion anyway.
Games. Not necessarily computer games, but sometimes board games, such as Monopoly. That game is amazing.
Actually having a life. Where you go out and see friends, go to social events, just being with people you like.
Peace. That is probably the coolest thing of all. Not pointless killing of innocent people.
Lava lamps. I do not care what you say about them, they are cool. End of. Along with bow ties, fez's and stetsons.

"Uncool" things:
Being a person who does not care about anyone other than themselves. These people are the people who tell you to change the way you are. These are the people who try to make you do things for them. These are the people you do not want to know.
Two faced people and people who lie. Enough said on that.
Crime. It is bad. Do not do it.
Being smart. Apparently. I do not think that this is "uncool", however, some people, the less intelligent people of this world, think that it is "uncool" to be smart. I think that being clever is probably one of the coolest things that you can be.
Not understanding something. I get this a lot. It is not cool.
Paedophiles. Just no.
Men who hit women. You do not deserve life.
Cheating. On your girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband. Not cool. Or in games. Also not cool.
Terminal illness. One of the least cool things in the world.
War. The pointless killing of innocent people. The endless fighting over resources and differences in opinion.
Global warming. And the fact that we are basically refusing to do anything about it. We need to fix this.
Death. Enough said.

Please let me know if you think that there is anything I have missed out in my list of cool and uncool things. This is a rather quickly put together blog and I do not know if it is that good. Let me know.

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