Friday 8 July 2011

Life to-do list.

This is a list of things I want to do in my life. Some normal, some odd, some fun, some serious, some completely random, some with deep meaning. I'll put Yes/No next to them to let you know if I have done them yet or not. These are not in any order, other than the order they come into my head.

1) Know someone truly amazing. Yes
2) Have a friend who I can tell anything and everything. Yes
3) Be fully independent. No
4) Fall in love. Yes
5) Have a proper job. Yes
6) Own a car. No
7) Own a house. No
8) Get married. No
9) Become international famous for something good. No
10) Learn to play the guitar. Sort of
11) Do a bungee jump. No
12) Go sky diving. No
13) Climb a mountain. No
14) Write and sing a song to someone. Sort of
15) Learn to sing. Sort of
16) Get the lead role in a theatre production. Yes
17) Direct a film/theatre show. No
18) Get very drunk. Yes
19) Have a hangover. Yes
20) Have a stag night like in the film The Hangover. No
21) Go to a stag night. No
22) Design clothes and get them produced. No
23) Get a world record. No
24) Host a party. Yes
25) Pass my GCSEs. YES!
26) Pass My A-Levels. No
27) Go through university. No
28) Go to Cambridge university. No
29) Become a vet. No
30) Own my own practise. No
31) Become rich. No
32) Win the lottery. No
33) Play the lottery. Yes
34) Save a life. No
35) Meet famous people. No
36) Save the world. No
37) Become a superhero. No
38) Find a cure for cancer. No
39) Invent something amazing. No
40) Play a song at Wembly. No
41) Play football for England. No
42) Play football for a professional club. No
43) Win the World Cup. No
44) Manage a football team. No
45) Dance well with the person I love. No
46) Take a hit for someone. No
47) Fight for something I believe in. No
48) Live in a different country. No
49) Go around the world. No
50) Live forever. No

That's my life to-do list. Let me know if anything on there is somethng that surprised you, is something you have done, is something you want to do, or is something that makes sense to you.

Until next time my dear friends, adios.

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