Wednesday 14 December 2011

Maybe It's Just Me

So, here is another set of lyrics I have written. I write lyrics a lot because I find that doing so helps me get all of my emotions and thoughts sorted into a way that I can fully control them. This is more or less a song about my self doubt. So, without further delay, here it goes:

I can't write a song,
The way it should be,
Maybe I'm just not good enough,
Maybe it's just me.

I want to sing a song,
One like I've never sung before,
Maybe I'm just not good enough,
Maybe it's just me.

I can't find the words,
To express how I feel,
And it really hurts,
Maybe that's the deal.

I look around for inspiration,
But nothing sparks my imagination,
I can't get it right,
I don't want to fight,
The words don't rhyme,
I can't keep time.

This ain't a good song,
This ain't nothing special,
There ain't no hope,
Maybe I'm just not good enough,
Maybe it's just me.

For once I want to be good enough,
But maybe I'm just not good enough,
Maybe it's just me.

Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
I don't know anymore.

All these thoughts going round my head,
They make me wish I was dead,
I've lost who I am,
Does anyone give a damn?
I don't know who I am,
Who am I?
Maybe I'm just not good enough,
Maybe it's just me.

Perhaps if I tried,
Perhaps if I cried,
Perhaps if I died,
I should,
I would,
I could,
But what good would it be?
I'd still be me.
I'm just not good enough,
I'm just me.

It's been said that opposites attract,
If that's true, am I the same?
Or am I different too?
Maybe I'm just not good enough,
Maybe it's just me.

There is nothing I can do,
To make it all seem true,
People say they love me for me,
Then why is it so hard to see?
Am I just blind?
Maybe I'm just not good enough,
Maybe it's just me.

I can't take this anymore.
And you've all closed your doors.
I had so much to gain.
But it ended in pain.
I want to die.
But I can't say goodbye.
All of this.
It takes the piss.
Maybe it's just me.

I'm sat on my own as always,
Even when I'm surrounded by people, I feel alone,
Maybe I'm just not good enough,
Maybe it's just me.

So, there it is. My song. There is nothing more I can say about it, so I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think of it.

Until next time, goodbye my friends.

Friday 28 October 2011

Scream It From The Rooftops

This is a song I wrote last month and I've only just decided that I want to show someone. I decided that the best way to show someone was to post it here. This is somewhere where people who do not necessarily know me can read what I put and tell me about it. There is a lot of meaning in this song, which you will probably pick up on. So, here it goes:

Scream It From The Rooftops

Here we go again.
Only this time it won't end in pain.
The love we know can only grow.
I want to scream it from the rooftops.
But any move and it may break.
I want to scream it from the rooftops.
But I'm afraid someone might hear.

There is nothing more I want.
All I want is right here beside me.
We can be all we want to be.

And here we go again.
Only this time it won't end in pain.
The love we know can only grow.
I want to scream it from the rooftops.
But any more and it may break.
I want to scream it from the rooftops.
But I'm afraid someone may hear.

But don't be afraid my dear,
You've got nothing to fear.
I'll never let this go.
Even when the winds blow.
This'll never end.
Even when we're in the deep end.

So here we go again.
Only this time it won't end in pain.
The love we know can only grow.
I want to scream it from the rooftops.
But any move and it may break.
I want to scream it from the rooftops.
But I'm afraid someone will hear.

And as I look at you,
I realise there's nothing to fear.

So I scream it from the rooftops.
I know it won't break.
I scream it from the rooftops.
I want someone to hear.
I scream from the rooftops.

Thank you.

Friday 21 October 2011

Love And Hate

Love and hate is a very big topic, so I probably will not cover all of it. This is just going to be about smaller parts of it. I will try to not sound like a hippy.


There is a lot of hate in the world. There is too much hate in the world. There are always wars, fights, arguments, break ups and shouting matches going on. There is always bullying, teasing, swearing and violence happening. There is never any need for this. The wars, fights and arguments can always be avoided. The bullying and teasing is never called for. There is never a need for violence. There is an old saying, that "violence is never the answer." This is true. It never is the answer. If all the violence stopped, the world would be a better place. People would live longer and be happier.

Bullying comes in loads of forms. Verbal, physical, mental etc. This is just people picking on others because they are different. It is wrong. If someone is different, it is a good thing. It means they are their own person. If everyone was the same, the world would be a very boring place. I believe it takes all types of people to make the world function. But unfortunately, some people do not agree with me. Most of the time in school, bullying happens because someone wears something different, likes something different, looks different. There is nothing wrong with being different. Difference is an amazing thing. Being different is what makes you you. It makes you human. If someone picks on you because of that, then they are a terrible person. More often than not, the people doing the bullying are picking on someone because they feel insecure about themselves. Perhaps because they have been bullied also. I do not understand why people bully others. I think that if everyone was kind to everyone and accepted everyone for who they are, the world would be a better place.

Wars are often caused by religion. If someone believes in something different, let them. It will not hurt you. Everyone believes in something. So what if someone believes something different? It makes no difference to anyone. Again, everyone is different. There is nothing wrong with it.


Love. Love is the thing that makes life worth living. It is the thing that makes the world go round. Without love, the world would be a very dark and dangerous place. Love is the best thing in the world. If everyone would show a little love, everyone would feel better. Love makes you feel good. It makes you believe in everything. Without love, life just would not be worth the fight. Bon Jovi once said "What do you got if you ain't got love? Whatever you got it just ain't enough." They were right. If you do not have love, what you have is not enough. Everybody needs love.

There are a lot of types of love. Paternal, maternal, romantic, homosexual, heterosexual, unrequited, eternal, reciprocal. The love for your family, the love for your partner, the love for someone, anyone. Never dying love. Returned love. Love is an amazing thing. It knows no boundaries. It is unstoppable. It is all conquering. It is an unstoppable force. It never dies.

When the planes hit the Twin Towers, the calls from the people inside were not ones of hate. They were ones of love. In our times of need, love is always there, just waiting to be found. When you do find it, you want to shout about it. You want the world to know that love does exist. You feel like shouting from the rooftops.

I think that if you look hard enough, you will find that love actually does exist.

Monday 12 September 2011

Thank You

This isn't one of my usual blog posts where I ramble on about nothing. This is a blog post that means something. This is a blog post for everyone who has read this blog since I started. It is, quite simply, a thank you.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read my blog, everyone who has inspired me to write, who has spoken to me when I was down, who has raised me up when I thought I could never be happy again. It's been a busy few months since I last blogged. Lots of things have changed. Lots of things have happened. Quite simply, in a way, I have changed. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been there for me. There are too many people I could mention here, saying how they have helped me, what they mean to me. If you are reading this, you know if you are one of those people. If you are reading this and are not one of those people, in a way you are. That is because you have probably read my blog before now. Which, by the way, has had over one thousand views. Which is one reason why I am writing this.

But, other than my blog being read a lot of times, I just felt that I should say thank you to everyone who has helped me these last few months. There is not really a way to say this properly, so I will just say, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone.

Thank you.

Friday 8 July 2011

Life to-do list.

This is a list of things I want to do in my life. Some normal, some odd, some fun, some serious, some completely random, some with deep meaning. I'll put Yes/No next to them to let you know if I have done them yet or not. These are not in any order, other than the order they come into my head.

1) Know someone truly amazing. Yes
2) Have a friend who I can tell anything and everything. Yes
3) Be fully independent. No
4) Fall in love. Yes
5) Have a proper job. Yes
6) Own a car. No
7) Own a house. No
8) Get married. No
9) Become international famous for something good. No
10) Learn to play the guitar. Sort of
11) Do a bungee jump. No
12) Go sky diving. No
13) Climb a mountain. No
14) Write and sing a song to someone. Sort of
15) Learn to sing. Sort of
16) Get the lead role in a theatre production. Yes
17) Direct a film/theatre show. No
18) Get very drunk. Yes
19) Have a hangover. Yes
20) Have a stag night like in the film The Hangover. No
21) Go to a stag night. No
22) Design clothes and get them produced. No
23) Get a world record. No
24) Host a party. Yes
25) Pass my GCSEs. YES!
26) Pass My A-Levels. No
27) Go through university. No
28) Go to Cambridge university. No
29) Become a vet. No
30) Own my own practise. No
31) Become rich. No
32) Win the lottery. No
33) Play the lottery. Yes
34) Save a life. No
35) Meet famous people. No
36) Save the world. No
37) Become a superhero. No
38) Find a cure for cancer. No
39) Invent something amazing. No
40) Play a song at Wembly. No
41) Play football for England. No
42) Play football for a professional club. No
43) Win the World Cup. No
44) Manage a football team. No
45) Dance well with the person I love. No
46) Take a hit for someone. No
47) Fight for something I believe in. No
48) Live in a different country. No
49) Go around the world. No
50) Live forever. No

That's my life to-do list. Let me know if anything on there is somethng that surprised you, is something you have done, is something you want to do, or is something that makes sense to you.

Until next time my dear friends, adios.

Friday 10 June 2011

Things that are cool, and that are not.

This is a blog about things that people consider to be cool, and things that people consider not too be cool. This is not always what I think is cool, but what some people may consider cool.

"Cool" things:
Music. Sometimes what I consider "proper" music, with people actually playing it. Sometimes drum and bass and computerised music. I will not go back into that. I have already done a whole blog about it. If you haven't read it already, just look through my previous posts.
Clothes. Again, it really is a matter of opinion as to what style of clothing is cool. Maybe I will do a blog about that some time. Keep watching.
Holidays. Time to mess around with people, time to do nothing, time to do something, time to go places, time to do pretty much whatever you want to do.
People. Famous, not famous, nice, good looking, funny etc. Again, it is a matter of opinion as too who is cool.
Social networking sites. Twitter in my opinion is best, and most of the people who will read this will probably agree with me.
Television. Yet again, it is just a matter of opinion as to what kind of television is cool.
Sport. In my opinion anyway.
Games. Not necessarily computer games, but sometimes board games, such as Monopoly. That game is amazing.
Actually having a life. Where you go out and see friends, go to social events, just being with people you like.
Peace. That is probably the coolest thing of all. Not pointless killing of innocent people.
Lava lamps. I do not care what you say about them, they are cool. End of. Along with bow ties, fez's and stetsons.

"Uncool" things:
Being a person who does not care about anyone other than themselves. These people are the people who tell you to change the way you are. These are the people who try to make you do things for them. These are the people you do not want to know.
Two faced people and people who lie. Enough said on that.
Crime. It is bad. Do not do it.
Being smart. Apparently. I do not think that this is "uncool", however, some people, the less intelligent people of this world, think that it is "uncool" to be smart. I think that being clever is probably one of the coolest things that you can be.
Not understanding something. I get this a lot. It is not cool.
Paedophiles. Just no.
Men who hit women. You do not deserve life.
Cheating. On your girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband. Not cool. Or in games. Also not cool.
Terminal illness. One of the least cool things in the world.
War. The pointless killing of innocent people. The endless fighting over resources and differences in opinion.
Global warming. And the fact that we are basically refusing to do anything about it. We need to fix this.
Death. Enough said.

Please let me know if you think that there is anything I have missed out in my list of cool and uncool things. This is a rather quickly put together blog and I do not know if it is that good. Let me know.

Monday 6 June 2011

About me.

I'm basically just going to write loads of facts about me. No real reason, I just thought that the people who read this might want to know a little about me. This will probably take a while for me to write, because I can never think of anything about myself.
1) I tend to ramble a lot in my blog posts, as you probably already know.
2) I am almost constantly on Twitter and Facebook.
3) I prefer Twitter to Facebook, because it actually gets updated and the people on it are just generally nicer.
4) I am, at the time of writing, doing my GCSEs. And they are a pain in the whatsits.
5) I am bizarrely looking forward to sixth form, even though I think that I will struggle.
6) I am taking biology, chemistry, maths and drama.
7) I am only taking drama because I found out that I do not need physics to go to university, and I also found out that you do not need a GCSE in drama to do it at A-Level. Also, I enjoy drama.
8) I am in a drama club, and I love it.
9) I am not looking forward to when I will have to leave it.
10) I also really enjoy pretty much everything to do with sport. Watching or playing. And I enjoy pretty much every sport. But not golf or curling. Those bore the living daylights out of me.
11) I need to get back into some form of sport, or go to the gym more often.
12) I am a proud fan of Arsenal, Bristol City, Middlesex County Cricket Club, Somerset County Cricket Club and the Green Bay Packers.
13) I get very annoyed with sports. Especially whenever England play some form of sport. And I will shout abuse at the players. A lot.
14) Most of my friends do not enjoy sport. Or most of the things I like for that matter.
15) I do not feel that I really fit in anywhere.
16) I am always looking to improve myself.
17) I am always trying to help people in need, even if I am just someone to talk to.
18) I need to get a proper job soon. A paper round does not cover what I need.
19) I love music.
20) Most of my thoughts do not go in any particular order most of the time. As you can probably tell by the blog post.
21) I am always on the look out for new music. Either from bands I listen to a lot, or bands that I have never heard of.
22) I am interested in fashion.
23) I am not gay for those of you who assumed that from my last fact.
24) I am having to look back through these facts to make sure I do not say something twice.
25) I should probably be revising right now.
26) I have 17 GCSE exams this year. And it is silly. Some people have already finished theirs.
27) I act and dance.
28) I kind of sing, but only in groups really.
29) I want to be able to do solos, but I do not feel that I have the ability or confidence to do so.
30) I am thinking about doing some charity work during the summer. Probably not officially, but I will raise some money for a charity somehow.
31) That charity will probably be Macmillan Cancer Support.
32) I sort of play the guitar. Not very well, but I can play a little.
33) I am trying to form a guitar duo with one of my friends. It is unlikely to keep going, but I would like to have a go at it.
34) I have a non-biological sister, who I love dearly.
35) I won my phone from Pepsi Max. I was very surprised and happy when I found out.
36) I always have my phone with me. It is my music player and contact device.
37) The only time that I am not listening to music is during school hours when I have lessons.
38) I love books.
39) I have not read much recently due to the fact I have been revising and very tired.
40) I actually have two books on the go, but I just have not got time to read them.
41) I am quite jumpy.
42) I am very, very ticklish.
43) I am apparently funny and good-looking.
44) I am not entirely sure about these two things.
45) I feel that I need to do more to look after my body.
46) I once broke my leg. It was not fun. Being on crutches for three months is not fun. Especially when you want to play football and dance.
47) My legs are actually different lengths. My right leg is longer than my left.
48) I am not very flexible.
49) I am interested in photography.
50) Unfortunately, I cannot take good photos to save my life.
51) I have shaky hands.
52) I do not think that I really have a best friend.
53) I am apparently one of the more popular people in my friendship group.
54) I am again not entirely sure about this.
55) I try to get along with people as much as possible.
56) I hate it when people judge me without getting to know me first.
57) I have a big, dopey black lab. I love my dog.
58) I read Esquire magazine. It is pretty interesting.
59) I have tried to get my blog post on Music published in a newspaper.
60) I have not had a reply, so I am guessing that they will not be printing it.
61) I want to be a vet.
62) I like to party.
63) My friends get annoyed at me for not going to their parties when I am somewhere else.
64) I then get annoyed with them for that.
65) I get annoyed far too easily.
66) That is something I do not like about myself. How annoyed I get and how quickly.
67) I am awkward.
68) I am a bit of a nerd. And I am proud of it.
69) I wish I was a little more interesting.
70) I actually giggled slightly at the number of my last fact.
71) I am rather immature.
72) I am a bit of a movie geek.
73) I am a Gleek.
74) I am proud of being a Gleek.
75) I am not considered to be straight by most of the people in my friendship group because of the way I act, or the things I like.
76) I hate it when people say things like that.
77) I hate homophobia.
78) I have strong opinions about most things.
79) I will try to get both sides of a story before deciding what I think about it.
80) I am basically addicted to Pepsi Max.
81) I am a strong atheist.
82) I want to be able to do some form of dramatic gesture to the people that I love.
83) I will do anything for the people I love.
84) I hate racism.
85) I hate sexism.
86) I have a lot of respect for women.
87) I will listen to anyone's problems and try to help in anyway I can.
88) I will probably have a different friendship group in sixth form due to my current friendship group not being very accepting of how I am.
89) I was struggling last year with my GCSEs.
90) I am struggling to think of anything else to put.
91) I do not like to leave things at strange numbers. Such as volume on the radio. It has to be a multiple of either three or five.
92) I tend to be a bit slow when it comes to pretty much everything.
93) My favourite bands right now are You Me At Six, Paramore, Biffy Clyro, 30 Seconds To Mars, The Script, Bon Jovi and Francis Fear.
94) I have only seen Bon Jovi and Francis Fear live.
95) I actually know a member of Francis Fear well.
96) I want to go to more concerts or festivals.
97) I want to do more things which are interesting.
98) I always try my best.
99) Sometimes my best is not good enough.
100) I hate it when I feel that I am not good enough.
101) Most of these facts either lead on in some way from one another, or have no reference to anything said previously.
102) I have pretty much run out of things to say about myself.
103) I will do two more random ones just to make sure that the number is a multiple of three or five.
104) I need to get out more.
105) I cannot smile on demand.
106) I spend too much money.
107) I think that my music taste is quite varied.
108) I mess up everything good that comes into my life.
109) If you do not want to get hurt, I suggest you stay away from me.
110) I am single.

Let me know what you think about me from these facts on Twitter or Facebook. Or comment below. Whatever is easiest for you. Adios.

Sunday 22 May 2011

The Year 11 Ball (Part 2)

This was going to be a blog of three parts. Part 1, the build up to the ball. Part 2, the actual ball itself. Part 3, what happens afterwards i.e. The after ball party, and what happens when you wake up from that. But I did not go to an afterball party, due to lack of voice, not wanting to be hungover for my drama group the next day, and leading on from that one, not wanting to be the only sober person at the party. So this has become a blog of two parts.

So, the day of the ball. Get home, get showered, get shaved and get ready. In that order. After having done all that, in full ball tuxedo, get into the car, and go to your friends house so you can get your limo/car to the ball. This is when it starts to get really exciting, because you have realised that this is actually happening. When everybody has turned up, the limo arrives, and you high five everybody. Well, at least, that is what my group did. So, we climb into the limo and smile like madmen, because it looks amazing. The leather seats, the lights, the drinks glasses, the drinks holders. The driver passes a couple of bottles down the limo. Non-alocoholic, of course, with us being underage, and it being illegal. *cough* But anyway, we have drinks, and as the limo starts to move, we start to pour the drinks. Maybe we could have poured them before the limo was moving, but we were excited and not really thinking about that. I had the honour of pouring the drinks. They make it look very easy in the movies. It is not. The limo going around corners, stopping, starting, and going over bumps in the road made it very hard, but I did it. Of course, we had loud music playing, with a heavy bass line. Not my choice, I hasten to add, but I went with it. So, when we all had our grape juice (that is what it was), we made a toast. To the future. Then we sat back and enjoyed the ride.

When we got to our school, which is where the ball was being held. Yeah, yeah, I know, not terribly fun or exciting to have it at school, but that is not the point. As we got out of the limo, there we people behind barriers cheering. I was quite surprised at the fact so many of the year 10 girls were there, and that they all knew me. I found this odd, yet nice at the same time. We had our pictures taken next to the limo, and then went to mingle with the other people who had already turned up. We were the third group to have turned up, so there wasn't many people to talk to yet. That soon changed as time went on. People were turning up in limos, fancy cars, motorbikes, buses, a boat, tractors, a trolley, and most interestingly of all, a tank. That was quite something. To see a tank rolling up with people from my school in was very impressive. There was lots of noise from everyone, as we all mingled around, the boys in tuxedos and suits, the girls in amazing dresses, looking stunning, waiting for the walk up to begin.

The walk up through the school was amazing. We had a drummer and a bagpipe player (I do not know what you call one of those. A bagpipist? A bagpipper? I do not know) in front of us as we walked past the people on the sides. It was quite something. Walking past lots of people with your date holding your arm. Very nice. As we walked past everybody into the hall, we saw that it had been transformed from the dull, plain usual hall, into an amazingly decorated hall, with all of our year seven pictures playing on a slide show. That bit was very funny. We walked in a spiral to get into our three circles that we would dance in. I was in the inner cicrle. We realise just how many people were in our year at that point. The dancing would be fun, with the girls in long dresses. You can probably guess what happened when we started dancing. Yes, that's right. The dresses got stood on. Not by me, but by the girls wearing the dresses, or the girls next to them. So, we did the waltz, the salsa, the tango and the cha cha cha. Non of these were to hard, but in a small space, and with dresses and tuxedos, they became just that little bit harder. But we went through that without anything going wrong. We clapped, and then the party really started.

We had a DJ, and of course when the music started, we started to jump up and down in time to it. Because, as teenagers, that is pretty much the only way we will dance at parties. Unless it is a rather intimate dance. But at a school ball, and with the tempo of most of the songs, that was not likely to happen. So, everybody was jumping around. And singing at the top of our voices. We did this for the entire night, unless the song was something like YMCA, tha cha cha slide or the Macarena. Because, let's face it, everybody knows actual dance moves to those songs. At some point during this, I went with a group of guys to have our photos taken, single ones and group ones. And behind the photo thing, there was food. After quickly grabbing some food, sticking some strawberrys and marshmellows onto a stick and putting them into a chocolate fountain, and grabbing a lollypop, we went back into the hall, grabbed a drink from outside, and continued with our random jumping and singing. After having done this for a few hours, we got rather warm, so some of the guys and I stepped out to cool down, and remembered that there was a casino in a different part of the school, just for that one night. So we went there, and played roulette and blackjack for a bit, until we decided that we would develop gambling problems if we stayed any longer. We went back into the hall, where a band had started to play. Cue random jumping and singing at the tops of our voices. At some points, the band gave up singing and just played the music, because we were singing the songs ourselves. Lets face it, if you play Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi at a year 11 ball, everybody will know the words, the tune, the timings, and everything, so all you need to do is play in to background. This trend continued with most of the songs, us jumping up and down, singing, and the band just playing.

At the end of the night, balloons were relised from the ceiling, and everybody cheered and started hitting them around and popping them. The DJ came back on the play some more music, and we again started jumping up and down, singing. This was at nearly midnight. People started to leave just before midnight, and there was hugging, and handshakes and general goodbyes. I got a call from my dad at midnight saying he was ready to pick me up. I missed the call three times before I answered it. I could not hear my phone. I made my way outside, after having said goodbye to my friends who I was dancing with. I said goodbye to my friends who were outside, and promised that we would meet up at some point. At that point it really hit me. This is it. I had made it through the years. I realised that I would not see some of my friends again. Or, at least, not as much as I did. I hugged my friends, shook hands with them and walked off to find my dad.

Well, that is that. The end of an era. The end of year 11. It is quite emotional really. I have grown up with these people. I will be seeing most of them next year at sixth form, but the ones that I will not be, I will miss dearly.

Well, until my next blog dear readers, Adios!

Monday 16 May 2011


I am sort of continuing from my other blog on music. I really did this as a practise for my English GCSE, but it sounded so good, I thought I would share it with you. Enjoy.
There is a trend developing, and that is to just have people singing over a track which does not consist of any form of music, merely computerised drum and bass. And quite often, the singing is not even singing, just talking very quickly, or making your voice go up and down during words. What has happened to the world that I used to love living in? Where have the singers, the guitarists, the drummers and the people with actual talent gone? Why do people feel that someone using auto tune to sound like a robot is someone with singing talent? It makes no sense. People with real talent are being over looked because the consumer thinks that robotronic voices are "cool" and "hip". People who can sing should be celebrated, not thrown onto the rubbish pile with the people who have had their time. It is in fact, the people who steal the limelight from these talented people that deserve to be thrown onto the pile of rejected wannabes. I know many people who are talented, and who get over looked because of these rappers and auto tune using people. If you want to hear real music, and see real performers, then look at the people who do not get recognised. And when these people do get a break, their fan base is not nearly the size it should be. People with talent need to be seen as gifted, because they are. With so many talented people out there, we should have no trouble filling the charts with them, and ousting the people who use auto tune to make money. Talented people are underneath our very noses, all we have to do is wake up and smell the talent that they have. I have some advice for you, go online, see if any smaller, local bands are playing anywhere near you soon, and go along to it. You will then see just how talented people really are, and how they, unfortunately, get overlooked by this throw away culture. This is a throw away culture. The current music that is listened to is not built to last, and raw talent will last forever. It will be listened to for generations. And it will never be forgotten by the people who witnessed the beginning of the group. The current "stars", no one knows where they came from, they just appeared. With proper musical groups, they start of small, and grow and grow until the take over the world. This is what should happen. Not these throw away artists, we want properly talented people, who play proper music. The music that these people create will last forever, and will not blend into the background. As I said earlier, I still listen to older music, not only because it is good, but also because it is time less. As Bob Dylan once said "The times they are a changing", but they should change for the better, and not spiral downward into decay, which is happening with these auto tuned artists. Now, not all of you who read this article will agree with my views on the matter, but I hope that I have convinced at least a small minority of you into listening to proper music, with real people. Thank you for listening.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Hello again.

You didn't think I was just going to leave did you? I will be blogging for a while longer, so you'll have to put up with me for even longer. I don't know what I'll blog about, but I am sure I will find something to entertain you. So, until my next blog, adios. This is not for long dear readers.

Tuesday 26 April 2011


Basically, I am not going to be writing any more blogs ever again, because I am shit at saying things without hurting people. I am sorry to everybody who I have insulted, hurt, or otherwise generally been offensive to in these blogs. So, for now and forever, goodbye.

Thursday 21 April 2011

Worry and/or Stress

Everybody worries about things. Everybody gets stressed about things. I'm going to talk about that today. I say talk, I mean ramble and get off subject. Here we go:
There are many things that cause stress and worry. In an average teenagers life, the things that cause most stress are the dreaded exams, and worrying about what everyone thinks of them. Especially members if the opposite sex that they quite like. Of course, these are only two things that cause stress. There are an infinite number of things that can cause stress. Trouble at home, trouble at school, friends troubles, trouble with friends, falling out with friends, not being able to do something, etc. What I am trying to say is that almost everything causes some form stress and worry.
Different people deal with the stress in different ways. Some people keep it all bottled up inside, some people explode with emotion, some people break down, some people stay strong and keep going, some people keep doing the same things over and over until it is right. Everybody deals with it differently. I personally put my headphones in, turn up my music, and ignore what is going on around me. Then, I will log on to MSN or text someone, and talk it out with them. I often feel the need to do this, perhaps it is just part of being a teenager, perhaps it is just me. I do not think that it is only me though.
Occasionally, somebody will cause you unnecessary amounts of stress. I.e. When they send you a rather concerning text. My girlfriend almost did this to me the other day. She apparently was going to send me a text saying that she was pregnant. That would have been extremely concerning for me, because it would definitely not have been my baby. And my girlfriend would be pregnant. Fortunately, she did not send this text. If she had, I would have broken down. Quite literally. My brain would not have functioned for the rest of the day. Also, it was on April Fools day, so I would (hopefully) have realised that it was a joke. I would like to now confirm that my girlfriend is NOT pregnant.
Anyway, that did not really go with most of the rest of the blog. So, another thing that can cause stress is revision. Purely because it makes you think that you might not know the stuff you need to know. And if you do a lot of it, which I do, it gets on your nerves, which makes you stressy. Of course, someone will make a stupid comment about something trivial, and you will get annoyed about it. It is a cruel cycle of stress and things that cause stress.
This is going to be a shorter blog than usual, because I'm spending most of my time doing revision, and getting stressed. I will see you all later when I hopefully remember to write about my year 11 ball. Until then, adios mi amigos!

Monday 21 March 2011

Year 11 Ball (part 1)

This is going to be a blog of three parts. Part 1, the build up to the ball. Part 2, the actual ball itself. Part 3, what happens afterwards i.e. The after ball party, and what happens when you wake up from that.
So, this is part 1. The build up. Basicaly when everyone try's to get dates, and all the girls try to find the one dress that nobody else will have. For guys, however, it is easy, clotheswise, because it is standard tuxedo time. It must be rented. Those things are not cheap. And I have one now, and it is pretty snazzy. Black trousers, white shirt, mint green waist coat, green bow tie, black jacket and shiney black shoes. Fairly standard, but hell, I look good in it. Wow, I'm modest as well. Right, now I guess I had better tackle the girls ball dresses. Ok, so I actually have no idea about them, but oh well. I have figured that every dress must be different, and if they are the same, virtually all hell breaks loose, unless they are like best friends, and even then, it does not end too well. But I have aboustly no understanding of this, so please, do not, whatever you do, quote me on that. And then, after having sorted out what you are wearing to the main event, you have to sort out how you are getting there, and who with. The simple way of getting to it is by the stretched limo. Boring, because everyone does it, yet, it is a pretty good way of getting there. And it is easy. The hard bit is sorting out who's coming in the limo, and then figuring out what it will cost everyone to rent it. It gets confusing, because people seem to be unwilling to even go to the ball, which I do question. I mean, why are you not going? It is a laugh, and it is good fun, and if you try and say "I'm not going because I've got no one to go with" that is complete and utter bollocks. You do not need to actually go with someone, you can go with a group of friends. So just go. Right, now that is out of my system, I shall continue.
And then comes the single, hardest part of the pre-ball build up, for guys anyway, is asking a girl to the ball. It is one of the hardest things in the world for a guy to do, asking a girl to dance, due to the fear of rejection. It is made even more awkward by not knowing if the girl you are about to ask is already going with another guy, or if she is just going with a group of friends. All these factors result in guys having serious problems in asking girls to the ball. This is perhaps why some of my friends are currently date less. I cannot talk though, seeing as I, at the time of writing this blog, do not have a date for the ball. But I, in all honesty, as nice as the girls are in my year, I would much rather be able to take my girlfriend. But unfortunatly, we must either take a girl from our year, or go without anyone. But, hi ho, silver lining (yes, that is a Jeff Beck lyric for those who got that) it means that you either go with a bunch of friends, or, if single, you might end the night having a girlfriend. I'm not saying that is going to happen, but still there is a chance. Or if, like me, you have a girlfriend, but you are not allowed to take her for whatever reason, and you do take another girl (please for god's sake, let your girlfriend know that it is ONLY for the ball), it is just a chance to have a nice chat to members of the other sex. But anyhow, seeing as I have no date, writing this on the 21st of march, so this is correct as of the time of writing. Although, I may actually have a date by the time of the ball, watch this space. Anyway, that is my take on the build up to the ball. This blog post may well be updated closer to the date of my ball, 20th of may. So, I may well be talking, or rambling, before my next promised blog. Until then, Adios mis amigos!

Thursday 3 March 2011


I am probably not the best person to be writing about this, having not had the most relationships ever, and by that, I mean one. But I am going to write this blog, so sit there and take the complete rubbish I am probably about to write.
So, I am currently in a relationship, with a girl I love very deeply, and I cannot stop thinking about her, which I guess is normal, and right. And of course, I think that she is funny, clever, caring and beautiful, but she disagrees, and I do not understand why. Maybe it is just a female thing, that girls do not like boys giving them compliments. And I do compliment her, a lot. Too much if you ask her, but surely it is better that I tell her that she is beautiful, funny, clever, etc. as often as I can, because compliments are good right?
But anyway, I was talking to my very beautiful girlfriend, who will probably read this, and get a little annoyed with me for writing this, but there we go, and we somehow got on to me needing to prove myself to her, to which she replied that I didn't need to prove myself, and that I was perfect, which I am really not. I always make stupid comments, which usually end badly, and I am not the best person in the world when it comes to doing things right. And she says that she is the one who needs to prove herself, which she really does not, show I say that she is funny, clever, caring and beautiful, which is why I love her. I tell her that she does not need to prove anything.
The real reason I feel that I need to prove myself is because, like I said above, I am always doing things wrong, whether it be saying things or doing things. I also wonder to myself "why did she pick me? She is so amazing, she could have had any guy in the world, but she picked me. What makes me so special?" I know that I am nothing amazing, we both do drama, dancing and singing, and I am not the best actor in our company, I am not one of the better dancers, and I am probably the worst singer in the group. Whereas she is an amazing dancer, a very good actor, and can sing as well. I am left wondering, what did I do to deserve her? I am not the best looking guy, not the fittest, not the funniest, not the smartest, and sometimes one of the most insensitive people ever. Whilst my girlfriend is dancing her socks of amazingly, doing a very impressive dance, and making it look easy, I am struggling to do the simple moves, and I look like I am struggling. And when we are singing, I have pretty much been banned from doing solos, due to the fact that I am apparently "not confident enough", in fairness, I know I am not amazing, but a little support would be nice, so that I could build up my confidence. But my beautiful, amazing girlfriend has gotten a big part in our next show, and sings a lot in it, whilst I have been stuck with a load of smaller roles, some of which were meant to sing solos, but that idea was scrapped, because I do not have the confidence, or because I just can't sing. But, hey-ho, I thought I would go with it, because I know I am not the best singer. But, it does make me wonder again, why pick me, I'm not anything special, in fact, I'm a bit of a nobody. I don't have any stand out qualities, I don't do anything amazingly well to get myself noticed, I am just a bit dull. Whilst she is out there, being interesting, I feel that I am just plain boring, that I shouldn't speak, because when I do, I make stupid comments.
And then, there is the age thing. I have only just turned sixteen, whilst she is seventeen. My friends have made jokes about me just being a toy-boy, which did kind of hurt, I admit. But they have made me think, and it isn't good, because I then get all paranoid and go into a bad cycle of thoughts, and start doubting myself. I know that most if the time guys go for girls there own age, or younger in some cases, but it doesn't feel, to me, that our age gap is that much. I know that it is about fifteen months, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. And, with her being older then me, I get rather stupid comments made about sex. To me a relationship shouldn't just be based on that, it should be based on love, understanding, and a desire to be together. I find it rather annoying how all of my friends, most of whom are single, I would like to add, are all making comments about me having sex with my girlfriend, which, I would like to add at this moment in time, has NOT happened, and of course, they are trying to make me feel somehow inferior for not having had sex, which none of them can really comment on. If you don't mind, I will do it when the time is right, with the right person.
I unfortunatly often end up thinking about why she picked me, seeing as I am nothing special, although, as my non-biological sister tells me, she picked me for me, and I know I should be happy for that, but sometimes I think that I am not a very good boyfriend. I don't always know what to say or do, I don't know much, I don't know how to write beautiful poetry, I don't know how to sing a love song, I don't know how to play the guitar, but one thing I do know is that I love her, and I will always love her. So I guess that is what it really comes down to, love. I am not perfect, but she seems to think so, so I guess that, in someways, I am. And I know that she is perfect, although she disagrees with me, but then, we must agree to disagree.
So there you go, my complete and utter crap of a blog about relationships. In fact, what I basically just did was talk about my own relationship, and what happens. So this blog really didn't stick to the title, but that happens with everyone of my blogs. So there we go, that's it. Jamie over and out.

Monday 21 February 2011

How men are still as emotionaly locked up as they were in the 1930s.

This is basically a blog subject that I didn't think of myself, it was suggested to me by a friend. So I will say sorry now in case it is complete and utter rubbish. Sorry. There, now that's done, I can write the blog.

So, men. As a guy, I am under the pressure of needing to fit in, like everyone else I guess, but for men, for whatever reason, it is hard to open up, and show emotions. I am, for one, not a person who has much trouble showing emotion. I tend to show how I am feeling. I wear my heart on my sleeve, so to speak. I am a very open person. I think that this is best because, this way, if something is wrong, I do not need to keep it bottled up, and then it can't eat me up from inside. It means that I can get help from my friends and family if something is bugging me. But for other men, it is hard to open up, and show others how they are feeling. This may be because they feel that people will think less of them if they show that they can feel things. Or perhaps, for whatever stupid reason, people may think that they are in some way homosexual. This seems to happen to me with certain people, "Oh, he has feelings, and he can show them, henceforth, through my 'oh so clever' logic, he must be gay." On the contrary, I am not gay, I just have the ability to show how I am feeling. This may not be the same for others, but it does happen to me.

When you start to show emotions, it is considered to be a sign of weakness, but it really is not. It is a sign of strength, passion, joy, sadness, the list goes on. All emotions are felt by everyone sometime during their lifetime, but for men, it seems to be hard to show them. I cannot say that I understand why this is, but I am going to try and explain why I think the reasons behind it. It may be that men are actually scared of being judged, which is quite possible, but it may also be that they feel less of a man if they show their emotions. Emotions are part of human nature, so I do not see why people judge others on them.

Men may still be as locked up emotionally as they were in the nineteen thirties, but I do not know for sure, having never been to that time period. But men are still locked up about emotions, perhaps because they never learnt how to show them properly, or perhaps due to the fact that they just don't understand what they are feeling. I am also sometimes confused about what I am feeling, but then I talk to someone, try to put it into words, try to understand what I am feeling. I have to say that talking to people helps you understand what your feeling.

Men might also might be locked up because they do not know how to put into words what they are feeling. Perhaps in the 1930s it was frowned upon for men to talk about feelings. In fact, it still is now. And it just isn't British, talking about emotions. It isn't something that people in Britain are good at, I do not know why. I do not fully understand why this is. Maybe it is because we just cannot talk about it, because it just isn't croquet. Perhaps in the 1930s, men were men, only talking about sport and abusing women. That isn't my view on how men should be, merely the 1930s outlook. Whilst the women stayed at home, cooked, cleaned and looked after the children, the men were out working, often in factories, quarries, and the likes, so the men only ever really talked to other men, so they never opened up. This would have been passed down generations of men, so they never had a proper heart to heart with their father, which has impacted on today's men. They struggle to talk about emotions and the likes. The conversations are mainly based on what makes both parties feel comfortable, so if someone doesn't feel comfortable talking about something, the problem will be ignored. It sounds like some kind of disease like that, and in a way, it is. The disease that has crippled men through generations. The disease that has stopped men being able to talk about certain things. I do not know. I didn't take history as a GCSE, so I cannot pretend to know much about history, but this is what I think is the reason behind it. After 70-80 years of this, people are starting to realise that emotions are not big and scary, everybody feels them, at different points during their lives, but they do feel them. This slow dawning has made it easier for men to open up, even though the older generations are still struggling, the younger generation, mine, are talking to our peers about these things, because we are making proper friendships, making strong bonds between people, who we then feel we can talk to about almost anything, although some things still are carefully avoided, often because we find them to be embarrassing, but just as often, we cannot put the things into words, so the problem goes unattended. Men are still struggling to show emotions, for the fear that someone will still judge them on their behaviour. This is rather silly, because we are all the same, we all came into the world the same way, we are all equal, so no-one has the right to judge us. So, to all you men out there, to coin a phrase, man up, and be open about everything, because, lets face it, nobody is any better or worse than you. No-one can judge you for being who you are, and feeling how you feel. I don't think that this has really stuck much to the title of the blog, so again I am sorry for it being complete and utter rubbish, but there you go. There is the blog on that, which did go a little of course, but it is now done. The end.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Lengths of time spent on things

In life, you spend a lot of time doing things you don't enjoy. In my case: homework and chores. It takes away time from me that I could be spending doing things I enjoy. Things like sports, my drama club, relaxing at home and hanging around with my friends. Although I do make time to do these things, I don't have as much time as I would like. Unfortunately, homework is something that has to be done, otherwise bad things happen. Such as detention, which takes even more time away from me being able to talk to my friends. And if I don't do my chores, I end up getting grounded, so I can't see my friends, which means that I spend time on my homework, and other relatively boring tasks along those lines, which doesn't half put me in a bad mood. Which means that I am even less likely to do what I should. So I get grounded again, or get detention. Which takes away even more time from me being able to do the things I like. It is really just a cruel circle if I'm honest.
Of course, there are the things that I do enjoy doing, such as hanging out with friends, sports, my drama club and relaxing at home. I have to admit that I am a bit of a Facebook and Twitter addict. I have them both open on different tabs even as I am writing this. I spend a lot of my free time on the computer, talking to people, seeing what is going on in the world of my friends.In fact, that is probably half the reason I don't do my homework and chores. Too much of Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps I should stop. But I don't think that it is going to happen, due to me needing to know what is going on around the world. I also spend a lot of time texting, which can become rather expensive. Just as well Tesco do the thing with tripling your credit when you top up ten, fifteen or twenty pounds, and for free. It is very, very useful for me, because I wouldn't make it though without that deal. Due to my need to talk to people and socialise, I end up spending a lot of money on that. I have gone of subject a bit there. Back to what I was talking about. I also spend a lot of time listening to music. I don't think that I would survive a day without listening to some form of music. It is in my blood. And after seven years of my drama club, at which I sing, dance and act, I feel the need to move to the music, or sing along, or both sometimes, depending on the song. I do really enjoy going to my drama club. It has made me who I am today. I know that sounds rather cliche, but it is the truth. Before going there, I was a shy, closed-off little boy, but now, I am a confident and open dude. Yes, dude. I couldn't think of a better word. But I wouldn't be writing this blog if it weren't for that drama group. I owe them all so much. So I would like to say thank you to them now, even though they probably will never read this, but it makes me feel better. I also enjoy going there because I have so many good friends there, and I have spent seven years worth of Saturday afternoons with. For three hours at a time. I think that is a grand total of nine hundred and forty five hours, give or take a few hours. Wow, that is a long time....
So, I went a little off track, and took a little trip down memory lane then, and I actually got a little emotional, because of all the good times I have had there. All those times that you don't think you'll ever remember when you are in the moment, but looking back, you really do. All those times spent sat around talking, singing, dancing, acting and just being children, and then growing to become teenagers together. Wow, I am getting really emotional now, because I am probably going to have to leave soon, and a lot of my good friends are going to be leaving. I actually have a tear in my eye. But in a good way, I guess.
I'm going to stop that there, before I start crying everywhere. So, back to my chosen subject, which I shall continue with on the subject of sports. I love my sports, I find that it is a good release of everything that you've had to keep inside. It is a way of letting yourself go, even if it is only for an hour in PE. For instance, football. I am a fanatic, I play it at every opportunity I get. It is a way of releasing the pent up energy that you cannot release any other way. What I am saying is, don't just do things because you have to, do them because you enjoy them, and don't live your life thinking "what if?" Live your life without regrets, get up, and go at them.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Music (Or to be specific, songs that last for a long time)

I was listening to Deep Purple Made In Japan, possibly the best Deep Purple album ever produced by the band, and I couldn't help but notice that there were seven tracks, and the whole CD lasted for one hour and sixteen minutes. This may sound old fashioned, but how is that possible, I mean SEVEN tracks, seven! For an hour and sixteen minutes! For goodness sake, one of them is nearly twenty minutes long. If Deep Purple had done a live cover of Rush's 2112, we would all have been done for. That songs is twenty something minutes long as it is, but Deep Purple managed to make a four minute long song of theirs normally last for nearly twice that long, so the whole night would have been taken up by the one song, if they had covered 2112. I am writing this because I was talking about it at school with my good friend David, and we both are very interested in music, particuarly the rock side, usually when we talk about music, it is talking about older artists, such as Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and the likes. We got to talking about Made In Japan, and came to the conclusion that it is probably the single greatest album ever produced by Deep Purple, and then David said that if you combined Made In Japan and Made In Europe, both by Deep Purple, you would have the best possible album ever created by a single group of rock artists, or at least, those particular rock artists. Talking of great rock artists, Meat Loaf has a problem with producing songs that are fairly long, such as Bat Out Of Hell, nine minutes long, I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That), twelve minutes long, and most recently from the Bat Out Of Hell trilogy, The Monster Is Loose, seven minutes long. But seeing as the Bat Out Of Hell tilogy has been descibed as "the greatest rock and roll adventure ever." So he can get away with it. I was also wondering how is it that Rush can produce a twenty something minute long song, and still make their album less than forty minutes long, and it is still an amazing album, with amazing songs, whilst other artists struggle to do the same, even if they produce shorter songs? And sometimes, I think that some songs go on for too long. I mean, we know that you are very good at what you do, but we would prefer it if you could give us shorter, more varied examples of what you do, rather than one really long song, that is fairly similar throughout, and that way, we don't get bored and change the song, because I personally find that if a song goes on for too long, and seems to repeat itself, I have to skip it, because I am bored by it. Of course, I appreciate that they are very good musicians, and that they can do these things, but seriously, break it up a little. Like in The Mule, on Made In Japan, nearly the whole song is taken up by a drum solo, which is very, very impressive, I admit, but after seven minutes of drum solo, and it not even being quite in time, is a little tedious, due to the fact that drums just don't have the range of sound that guitars do. I have nothing against drums, in fact one of my good friends plays the drums, pretty well I might add, so I do appreciate them, but still, not the same as a good guitar solo. Like the one in Gary Moore's Parisienne Walkways (live), but then there is a problem with that as well, and that is that he holds a note for thirty seconds, and it sounds good, but it does prove for a slight twinge in the head. Which is why I say, to all you rock stars, or generally musicains who like to play long solos, turn it down a bit, we like the solos, but if they get too long, we get bored, and often will not listen to you for a while. And to the rock stars, and musicains who like to play very long songs, please, just a smaller sample would be nice, we know you can do it, so please, give us little tasters of what you do, and we will keep coming back for more. Thank you for listening.

Thursday 3 February 2011


It is my birthday this month, and I am looking forward to it quite a bit, if I am honest. It means that I am one step closer to being able to do everything legally (even though I have been doing most of the things for a few years already). It also means that I am closer to being an adult, which is a slightly worrying thought, I do not think that I am really mature enough to be an adult, but I have still have time to sort that. HAHAHAHA! I do not think that it is likely to happen, but there we go. It also means that I have an excuse for a party, which is never a bad thing. I do enjoy a good "partay". Yes, I do mean "partay", it is just not the same if it is a mere party. It is something I enjoy doing, going to partys, because it is a way of socialising, and meeting new people, which can provide to be quite interesting, to say the least. But i go off topic, as I do in most of my blogs. Did it again. Should really stop that. And again. Right, back to what I was talking about, birthdays, and the resulting partys. so, every year it comes around, my birthday that is, not always a party, but still I am having one this year, for my sixteenth, or as my mother and her friends kindly put it "my super sweet sixteenth". Yes, thank you mother, I am not a stupid cow of a girl who thinks it important to spend stupid amounts of money on a party that always ends up being absoutly shocking, and feels the need to be on television for the thirty seconds of fame it will bring me, and then I will get thrown onto the pile of people who appeared on television for half an hour, and then gets forgotten, by everybody, and most importantly my friends, because I get to big for my boots, and slag everyone off who does not have a party on television. But anyway, I am not like that. I just want to have a good time with some friends, with music, dancing, and probably bad singing (not from me of course, I am an amazing singer. *cough*). All I really want is to be able to dance (well) with the girl I love. I would not mind if that was all I got for my birthday. But still, presents are nice. But I honestly do not really have anything I want this year. Which is annoying, because people keep asking me what I want, so all I can say is "I really don't know. Suprise me. But nothing to weird. Sorry." Because I have no idea. You may be thinking "WHAT!? A nearly sixteen year old doesn't want anything really for his birthday? What is wrong with him?" But that is just me, I am a bit different. So anyway, that is it really. My birthday. Summed up rather too easily. Perhaps I need to something about that. If you have any suggestions, please do feel free to comment below. Or wherever is easiest for you.